Remember growing up, dreaming of pushing all the minis that you and your mates had - well, last Sunday we recreated those days ... 7 players, 9000pts each side.

A strong benefit of Kings of War (KoW) is the simplicity - we included 2 brand new players to the game (one is new to wargaming) and they both picked up the game mechanics by turn 2, and were then able to strategies fiendish plans.
We also love this system for how quick it is. Without rushing, we completed the game and had a result in under 5 hours.
Good Dave: Order of Brothermark, right flank Trevor: Elves, centre Neal: Northern Alliance, left flank Evil Pete: Abyssal. dwarves, left flank
Jason & Bailey: Nightstalkers, centre
Ed: Empire of Dust, right flank
PhotoDump - enjoy the pics!
RESULTS EVIL: 5vps GOOD 3vps Next month:

Sunday 12th Feb - RSVP in the event section of this website.